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Join date: Jan 26, 2023


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The Dinosaur Project Purpose...

The purpose of this website is to provide a science-based platform, equipping users with information, news updates and opportunities to share, inform and ask questions within the Community. However, users need to accept that this site's focus is to report and discuss EVIDENCE regarding a hotly contested debate on the approximate time period of living dinosaurs particularly through dinosaur fossil (lat. unearthed, dug up) remains  (soft-tissue) and related phenomena.


In order to report and discuss critical fossil and historical evidence, members will  experience a bias-free, level playing field in which they can convey and deliberate on scientific discoveries. The challenging of other Community members' opinions and conclusions is encouraged within the constraints of respectful debate.


Personal beliefs, including but not exclusively, theology, evolution, panspermia, extraterrestrial and transdimensional 'seeding', as well as other explanations for the existence of life, are not the focus of this platform. Members are encouraged to focus upon and follow the evidence wherever it may lead.


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